General Dentistry in Fairfield, CT

Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry provides dental services in Fairfield, CT. Call 203-255-6878 or click here to book an appointment.

Comprehensive Evaluation/Oral Examination

The American Dental Association recommends comprehensive oral evaluations every six months. During these exams, Dr. Miller will visually inspect your mouth, head, and neck for abnormalities. If needed, digital low dose radiographs will be used to detect cavities, assess your dental restorations, and check for gum or bone recession in the jaw. Digital X-rays between the teeth are highly recommended every year. Digital X-rays of every tooth is recommended between 3-5 years.

Dental Cleaning

A dental cleaning, or oral prophylaxis, involves removing dental plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth. We use a state-of-the-art ultrasonic device that emits vibrations and is cooled by water to loosen larger pieces of tartar, while hand tools remove smaller deposits. Once your cleaning is complete, your teeth are polished to create a smooth surface. Dental cleanings are recommended every 6 months but some patients are seen every 3 months due high deposits of tartar.

Dental Fillings

When a tooth has a cavity, we remove the decayed area and use an aesthetic white dental filling to restore its strength, function, and appearance. This restoration can be completed in a single visit.

Learn more about Dental Fillings

Tooth Extractions

Our goal is always to save your natural teeth, but there are times when a tooth has suffered more damage than can be treated with restorative dentistry. In these cases, we provide non-surgical tooth extractions using local anesthetic to ensure your comfort. Dr Miller also offers IV sedation if requested by his patients.

Custom Mouthguards

If you or your child participates in sports, a custom mouthguard offers better protection than boil-and-bite or one-size-fits-all versions. A properly-fitted mouthguard can reduce the severity of dental injuries by protecting the lips, gums, teeth, and arches.

Root Canal Treatment

When decay reaches the nerve of a tooth or when the pulp is infected, root canal therapy is needed to save your tooth. This treatment involves removing infected or inflamed pulp, then cleaning the chamber and sealing it to reduce the risk of future infection. After a root canal, your tooth is restored with a dental crown or filling to restore normal function and appearance. Yes, you save and keep your natural tooth.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical treatment for gum disease. Dental plaque and calculus are removed from beneath the gum line, then the roots of your teeth are smoothed to help your gums heal and reattach, eliminating the pockets where infection can form.


If you clench your jaw or grind your teeth while you sleep, a nightguard can help relax the muscle tension and protect your teeth from wear and fracture. If needed , Dr Miller can place botox in the tense muscles during treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions About General Dentistry

Are teeth cleanings really necessary?

No matter how diligent you are with your oral hygiene habits at home, it’s no substitute for a professional teeth cleaning every six months. Tartar can only be removed with professional tools, so skipping these appointments can leave you vulnerable to gum disease, bone loss and tooth decay. Some people produce more tartar than others and require dental cleanings every 3 months.

Can a deep cavity be filled?

If you have a deep cavity, it may require a crown to strengthen and restore the tooth structure, or the decay may have reached the pulp, in which case a root canal will be needed.

Are you awake for a tooth extraction?

We perform simple, non-surgical tooth extractions at our practice, so you can choose to remain awake or opt for safe IV sedation. Your tooth and the area surrounding it will be completely numbed before we begin any work, so you won’t experience any discomfort.

Is a root canal painful?

Despite their reputation, root canals are not painful—in fact, they are used to relieve tooth pain! Modern techniques and local anesthetic mean getting a root canal is no more uncomfortable than getting a dental filling. Dr Miller’s state of the art equipment allows him to start and complete the root canal in 1 visit pain free.

What does gum disease look like?

The most common visual signs of gum disease are redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. If you are experiencing a bad order coming from your mouth this is another clue of gum disease.

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